Saturday, 15 May 2010

Damn you clouds.....

Thwarting my every attempt to hoop..... buggerations.

Yesterday was a good day though - neighbour Greg is in the process of erecting a potting shed in the communal field behind our houses and, for most of yesterday afternoon, I sat in the sunshine with Nina and her lovely little boy Adam watching him dig a hole! Adam of course insisted on 'helping' which meant he flicked mud at Greg, whilst calling him Jim and periodically jumped on his mum. Even Obi the dog came out to play - Obi sounds like a hell hound from the other side of the gate but once they let him out he's a giant softy, like a giant bear-cub!

Anywho, the evening was spent in the very pleasant company of the Ticehurst locals soaking up the last few rays of the sun and, in my case, drinking far too much :s I was fine when I got home (courtesy of the ever-chivalrous Adrian) but when 4.30am rolled around I was feeling less than shiny. 9.30am felt far more dignified though - even Greg and Groper were up by then and making attempts at shed-erection (how rude.)

So now the clouds have rolled in so my afternoon of hooping has been somewhat halted by the cold (and, to be fair, the presence of two 30 somethings attempting to make a shed in the field). Perhaps with my afternoon I shall work on some breaks and reversals in my room.... let's hope Wellington hasn't taken up residence in my hoops, again.

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